Led Zeppelinの音源を少しずつ集めています。

Making Of LZ III 21 : Ardent Studios 4



Anyway, we mixed to 1/4" tape. There were some extra mixes, which I still have today on the original 1/4", that we thought were WAY too radical to use...no one would have accepted them, we thought. I hear them now and wonder what the differences really were!




そんなものがあったのですね。使うには過激すぎるということは、発売を想定したもので、ラフ・ミックスの類ではなさそうですね。Companion Discに収録された音源は、ラフ・ミックスとか、ヴォーカルの入っていないものでした。多分まだ聴いたことがない”過激な”ミックスがあるということでしょうか。今となっては、どんなものかわからないようですが。

 I then took the masters to Auditronics (also owned by Mr. Jetton) for mastering. I made all the decisions on EQ, comp, etc., approved by Jimmy, who was also there. Peter Grant was present as well. 

Jetton氏(って誰?)も所有していたAuditronics のコンソールでマスタリングをしたようです(Auditronics はメンフィスのメーカーです)。Manning氏がEQやコンプなどをすべて決め、そこにいたジミーがそれを承認したとのこと。


I remember that the first time I got "that feeling" that this was something special (I never think much about this sort of thing while in the recording or mixing process, because there's just too much to do) was when I went to the bathroom down the hall while "Loving You" was playin out of the mastering room door. It sounded pretty good, and I realized that Plant's vocal was awfully distinctive on this one.


マスタリング・ルームの扉から"Since I've Been Loving You"の演奏が漏れてきたときにはとても素晴らしいもので、ロバートのヴォーカルは独特なものだったであることに気づいたようです。

We cut several sets of parts, and I inscribed the sayings into the lead out groove spaces (very carefully). Jimmy was a huge fan of Aleister Crowley, the "first hippy," and Crowley's philosphies. 

Manning氏らはラッカーをカッティングしたあと(Manning氏は、Paul Richmondというエンジニアがカッティングしたと教えてくれました)、デッド・ワックスにAleister Crowleyの"Liver AL vel Legis (法の書)"という本から引用された文を刻んだようです。


He had given me the books, which I read, and was interested in, but I found it a little too free and unrestricted, that one could do anything one wanted. I remember asking Jimmy at mastering if it was OK to kill someone if you "felt like it."

Manning氏もAleister Crowleyの本をジミーからもらって、内容についてジミーとやり取りをしたようです。


He wasn't amused. But I wrote "Do what Thou Wilt" on one side of one set, and "Shall Be The Whole of The Law" on the other side of the same set. I remember writing "So mote it Be" on one side of another set, but I've forgotten the rest. We joked that with different things written on different lacquers, real fans would have to buy 2 or more records to complete the set! This was absurdly funny to us, as we couldn't imagine anything like that might really happen.





 またファン心理を突いて、わざと違いを作るというのは、In Through The Out Doorのカヴァーのようです。買うまでどうなっているかわからないという。。。


Then I took the masters, carefully boxed in grouped sets, and put them in the trunk of John Fry's Mercedes, and drove them to Nashville where LZ was playing their next show. There I gave them to Peter Grant, who had them delivered by hand to the various pressing plants. Atlantic never saw them, nor had anything to do with them, at Peter's insistence.

完成後はラッカー盤とマスターを、John Fry(Ardent Studiosの創設者)のメルセデスのトランクに入れ、ツェッペリン演奏する次のコンサート先のナッシュビルに向かったそうです。そこにはピーター・グラント(ツアー・マネージャーのリチャード・コールもいたそうです)に渡したようです。どうやら彼らは、様々なプレス工場に向けてラッカー盤を直送したようです。そこにアトランティック・レコードが関与する余地は全くなかったそうです。


Everyone asks "Wow, what was it like to work with Zeppelin," and I can only answer that it was just like today, only the people and songs were different. Usually it is only with hindsight that things seem historical, or become mythologized. One great thing Jimmy did I will never forget.



When the LZ3 album covers came back from the printing plant, to be joined with the vinyl pressings, Jimmy looked at the for approval, and found that they had left off the credit for me that he had written to be there. So he had them all destroyed, and completely re-printed to include my credit! What a guy! And these were pretty expensive and involved covers, with the spinning photo wheel and all!



Well, that's a lot for now. Maybe I'll think of some other stories later...got to get back to more vocal comping.

Best to all,





Making Of LZ III : ”Knowing That I'm Losing You” 1 
Making Of LZ III 2 : ”Knowing That I'm Losing You” 2 
Making Of LZ III 3 : "Jennnings Farm Blues" 1
Making Of LZ III 4 : "Jennnings Farm Blues" 2
Making Of LZ III 5 : "Jennings Farm Blues" 3
Making Of LZ III 6 : "Since I've Been Loving You" 1
Making Of LZ III 7 : レコーディングの流れ
Making Of LZ III 8 : Bron-Yr-Aur Cottage
Making Of LZ III 9 : Headley Grange
Making Of LZ III 10 : Olympic Studios 1
Making Of LZ III 11 : Olympic Studios 2
Making Of LZ III 12 : Olympic Studios 3
Making Of LZ III 13 : Olympic Studios 4
Making Of LZ III 14 : Olympic Studios 5
Making Of LZ III 15 : Island Studios 1
Making Of LZ III 16 : Island Studios 2
Making Of LZ III 17 : 7月初めの頃。。。
Making Of LZ III 18 : Ardent Studios 1
Making Of LZ III 19 : Ardent Studios 2
Making Of LZ III 20 : Ardent Studios 3
Making Of LZ III 21 : Ardent Studios 4
Making Of LZ III 22 : Ardent Studios 5 

Making Of LZ III 23 : Since I've Been Loving You 2
Making Of LZ III 24 : another tracks 1
Making Of LZ III 25 : another tracks 2
Making Of LZ III 26 : CODA work tape

Making Of LZ III 27 : more another tracks
Making Of LZ III 28 : Artwork
Making Of LZ III 29 : マスター・テープは?
Making Of LZ III 30 : マスター・テープは? 2
Making Of LZ III 31 : マスター・テープは? 3
Making Of LZ III 32 : US盤の聴き比べ 
Making Of LZ III 33 : US盤の聴き比べ2

Making Of LZ III 34 : US盤の聴き比べ3
Making Of LZ III 番外編 : Bombay Session
Making Of LZ III 番外編 : Bombay Session 2
Making Of LZ III 番外編 : Bombay Session 3